The 2018 Assembly of Society Officers took place on March 29, 2018.
Session I: The New Reality of Science Policy
A look at how science and the scientific community has been affected by recent policy developments and the current Administration, and the outlook for science funding in 2018-2019. We will discuss how might scientific societies recalibrate to optimize their efforts, effective grass roots approaches to advocacy, and setting priorities.
Chair: Kevin Marvel, Executive Officer, AAS
Michael Henry, Director of Science Policy, AIP
An Unexpected Renaissance for the Physical Sciences? (.pdf, 1 mb)Kathleen Kingscott, Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, IBM Research
Industry Perspective on Science Policy (.pdf, 2 mb)Ellie Dehoney, Vice President, Policy and Advocacy, Research!America
What works – and doesn’t – in the Current Political and Policy Climate
David Goldston, Director, Washington Office, MIT
Inertia or Chaos: The State of Science Politics
Session II: Communicating Science to Gain Public Trust
Skepticism of science and scientists grows with each instance of non-reproducibility, retraction, and science-related fake news in the media. How can scientists combat this to protect their reputation and build public trust and respect for science? Is there a role for scientific societies to address this on a broad scale?
Chair: James Riordon, Head of Public Relations, APS
Laura Helmuth, Health, Science & Environment Editor, The Washington Post
How the Media Report on Science (.pdf, 2 mb)Jevin West, Assistant Professor, Information School, University of Washington
Combatting Misinformation in Science (.pdf, 133 mb)Nathan Sanders, Co-Founder, ComSciCon
Empowering the Next Generation of Science Communicators (.pdf, 1 mb)Session III: Positioning Your Society for the Age of Open Science
Open Science, including both Open Access and Open Data, is the future of the scientific enterprise. This session will address the latest developments in the Open Science movement, opportunities for scientific societies to enable sharing of science, how can we best support researchers, and what possible revenue streams might develop as a result.
Chair: Beth Cunningham, Executive Officer, AAPT
Brian Nosek, Co-founder, Executive Director, Center for Open Science
Improving Transparency in Scholarly Communication (.pdf, 1 mb)Rick Anderson, Associate Dean for Collections & Scholarly Communication, J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Thinking Critically about Openness: What Problem(s) Are We Trying to Solve? (.pdf, 109 kb)Roque Calvo, Executive Director, Electrochemical Society
Free the Science (.pdf, 908 kb)