Federation Assembly

The Federation Assembly facilitates Member Society collaboration and collective action, and informs AIP’s work to advance the success of the Member Societies. It is a mechanism for bringing community concerns and priorities to the forefront and can make recommendations to the AIP CEO, advising on actions and activities that support the shared mission.

Role and Scope

The Federation Assembly is a transparent and flexible convening body that enables AIP Member Societies to consult one another and coordinate on issues of shared interest or concern. The Federation Assembly serves as a platform for building a strong, collaborative community that undertakes collective action in pursuit of shared impact. It brings issues and challenges, both external and internal, to AIP’s attention and makes recommendations about areas that AIP and the federation might address. The Federation Assembly also provides insight about how AIP activities affect the Member Societies and shares information about Member Society activities.

Federation Assembly Delegates represent the interests of their respective Member Societies. The Federation Assembly is not a governing body; it does not have authority to determine AIP action, nor does it have financial or fiduciary responsibilities to AIP. Delegates may serve in other roles with responsibilities to AIP, for example as an AIP Board Director or as a Member Society Representative, but those duties do not extend to their Federation Assembly role.

Each Member Society is a voting member of the Federation Assembly with one vote per Member Society. AIP is represented on the Federation Assembly in a non-voting ex officio capacity.

Governing Documents

Federation Assembly Charter (84 KB) Federation Assembly Procedures (78 KB)

For any questions about the Federation Assembly, please email the AIP Federation Office .

Leadership and Staff

Chair and Delegate, AMS
Vice Chair and Delegate, AAS
Delegate, AVS
Past Chair and Delegate, APS

Member Societies