2022 Annual Forum

March 24, 2022

10:00 am - 12:00 am: Concurrent Sessions Round I

1. Developing Leadership Skills and Pathways (Streamable)
Societies can bring value to their members by developing their leadership skills that are not traditionally part of a scientist’s training, helping them advance in their careers with managerial and business skills, and providing pathways to leadership. This session will focus on practical steps societies can take to train better leaders to excel in their disciplines.


  • Dr. Robert Williams - Donald Osterbrock Visiting Professor, University of California-Santa Cruz
  • Dr. Lily Wang - Director of the Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction/Former President, Acoustical Society of America
  • Dr. John Rumble - President and CEO, R&R Data Services

2. Best Practices in Fundraising
This session will focus on best practices and core competencies to build philanthropic culture and successful fundraising in a scientific society. Participants will hear best practices and brainstorm on tactics to build financial capacity and inspire stakeholders to invest in innovative solutions for the physical sciences enterprise.


  • Tracy LaMondue - Vice President, Development, American Geophysical Union
  • Kevin Kase - Director of Development, American Physical Society
  • Chad Stark - Executive Director, The Optica Foundation
  • Merrie Scott - Vice-President, Community and Partnership Engagement, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

1:30 pm - 3:30 pm: Concurrent Sessions Round II:

1. Breaking Down the Silos of Science (Streamable)
Join us for a panel discussion on the need for, and barriers to, interdisciplinary work in the physical sciences. Our speakers will discuss the existing barriers in academia, research funding, and our societies that hinder the potential for innovative collaborations and the actions taking place to broaden the scope of research.


  • Caleb Watney - Co-CEO, Institute for Progress
  • Dr. David Spergel - President, Simons Foundation
  • Dr. Ehsan Samei - Chief Physicist, Duke University Health System/President-Elect, American Association of Physicists in Medicine
  • Dr. Alicia Knoedler - Head, Office of Integrative Activities, National Science Foundation

2. A Frank Conversion about Creating an Inclusive Scientific Community
Participants will join in a facilitated discussion on addressing persistent issues in the culture of our disciplines and societies that hinder a diverse and inclusive community. We will discuss current “blind spots” in how we approach the physical science community and learn the next steps for achieving more diversity in our field.


  • Dr. Patricia Rankin - Chair, Department of Physics, Arizona State University