FYI: Science Policy News

House Roll Call Vote on Cancellation of Superconducting Super Collider

JUN 29, 1993

On June 24, the House of Representatives voted to terminate the Superconducting Super Collider (see FYI #82). This vote was taken on an amendment to H.R. 2445, offered by Rep. Jim Slattery (D-Kansas), to reduce SSC funding by $400 million, with the remaining money to be used for shut-down costs. The amendment was adopted by a vote of 280-150.

The following is a portion of this roll call vote. Due to space limitations, those representatives voting in support of the SSC are listed, as well as those representatives not voting. Representatives not listed below voted to terminate the collider.

*** NAYS (150)*********************


Ackerman G (NY)

Frost M (TX)

Nadler J (NY)

Andrews M (TX)

Furse E (OR)

Natcher W (KY)

Andrews R (NJ)

Gephardt R (MO)

Ortiz S (TX)

Bacchus J (FL)

Geren P (TX)

Pastor E (AZ)

Bevill T (AL)

Gibbons S (FL)

Payne L (VA)

Bishop S (GA)

Gonzalez H (TX)

Peterson P (FL)

Blackwell L (PA)

Green G (TX)

Pickett O (VA)

Bonior D (MI)

Hall R (TX)

Pickle J (TX)

Borski R (PA)

Hastings A (FL)

Reynolds M (IL)

Boucher R (VA)

Hayes J (LA)

Roemer T (IN)

Brooks J (TX)

Hilliard E (AL)

Romero-B. (PR)

Browder G (AL)

Hochbrueckner G (NY)

Rose C (NC)

Brown C (FL)

Hoyer S (MD)

Rush B (IL)

Brown G (CA)

Johnson E (TX)

Sarpalius (TX)

Bryant J (TX)

Kopetski M (OR)

Schenk L (CA)

Chapman J (TX)

LaRocco L (ID)

Scott R (VA)

Coleman R (TX)

Laughlin G (TX)

Smith N (IA)

Coyne W (PA)

Lloyd M (TN)

Stenholm C (TX)

Cramer R (AL)

Lowey N (NY)

Tejeda F (TX)

Darden G (GA)

Matsui R (CA)

Torres E (CA)

de la Garza E (TX)

McCloskey F (IN)

Torricelli (NJ)

de Lugo R (VI)

McHale P (PA)

Towns E (NY)

Derrick B (SC)

McNulty M (NY)

Traficant (OH)

Dicks N (WA)

Meek C (FL)

Underwood (GU)

Dixon J (CA)

Mineta N (CA)

Volkmer H (MO)

Edwards C (TX)

Mollohan A (WV)

Whitten J (MS)

Fazio V (CA)

Moran J (VA)

Wilson C (TX)

Fields C (LA)

Murtha J (PA)

Yates S (IL)

Frost M (TX)


Armey D (TX)

Everett T (AL)

McDade J (PA)

Bachus S (AL)

Fields J (TX)

Mica J (FL)

Baker R (LA)

Franks B (NJ)

Michel R (IL)

Bartlett R (MD)

Franks G (CT)

Moorhead C (CA)

Barton J (TX)

Gallegly E (CA)

Myers J (IN)

Bateman H (VA)

Gallo D (NJ)

Oxley M (OH)

Bentley H (MD)

Gilchrest W (MD)

Packard R (CA)

Blute P (MA)

Gingrich N (GA)

Quillen J (TN)

Boehner J (OH)

Goodlatte R (VA)

Roberts P (KS)

Bonilla H (TX)

Grams R (MN)

Rogers H (KY)

Buyer S (IN)

Hansen J (UT)

Ros-Leht. (FL)

Callahan S (AL)

Horn S (CA)

Santorum R (PA)

Combest L (TX)

Hunter D (CA)

Schaefer D (CO)

Cox C (CA)

Hyde H (IL)

Schiff S (NM)

Crapo M (ID)

Johnson N (CT)

Smith L (TX)

Cunningham R (CA)

Johnson S (TX)

Spence F (SC)

DeLay T (TX)

Kolbe J (AZ)

Stump B (AZ)

Diaz-Balart L (FL)

Lewis J (CA)

Taylor C (NC)

Dornan R (CA)

Lightfoot J (IA)

Thomas B (CA)

Dreier D (CA)

Livingston R (LA)

Vucanovich (NV)

Dunn J (WA)

McCollum B (FL)

Young D (AK)

Emerson B (MO)

McCrery J (LA)

*** NOT VOTING (10)****************


Faleomavaega E (AS) M

Manton T (NY)

Thompson B (MS)

Foley T (WA)

Synar M (OK)

Tucker W (CA)

Hinchey M (NY)


Henry P (MI)

Kasich J (OH)

Skeen J (NM)

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