Your Philanthropy Drives Change

Student at AIPF NASA Howard Watkins event

Your Philanthropy Drives Change

Student at AIPF NASA Howard Watkins event

AIP Foundation catalyzes positive change in the physical sciences through the power of science philanthropy. We empower physical scientists by funding the exceptional AIP programs that support students, scholars, science leaders and gamechangers. Through the generosity of our community, AIP Foundation fuels the ecosystem that enables scientists to concentrate on exploration and discovery that can lead to life-changing breakthroughs.

Raised for the Physical Sciences Since 2019
Items Available to Researchers
Undergraduate Physics & Astronomy Students Served
Collective Action on Diversity in the Physical Sciences
You Make It Possible

Your generosity is the driving force behind physical scientists.

  • PhysCon is 100% planned with students in mind. It is one of the most impactful conferences you can go to as an undergraduate in physics and astronomy.
    Brittney Hauke
    Brittney Hauke 

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