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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, & Accessibility


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, & Accessibility


In an era marked by rapid societal change and growing recognition of the vital role diversity plays in innovation and progress, AIP is committed to fostering a culture that embraces diversity, advances equity, and promotes inclusion across the physical sciences. To spur collaboration and advance goals towards achieving diversity, AIP’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, & Accessibility (DEIBA) Strategic Plan addresses the continued under-representation of racial and ethnic minorities, women, LGBTQ+ people, and people with disabilities in STEM.

DEIBA Initiative Goals


DEIBA Initiative Goals


AIP will lead the Federation in accomplishing three goals outlined in the DEIBA strategic plan :
1. Diversify the physical sciences by fostering environments of inclusiveness and belonging;
2. Develop and adopt best practices to promote and stimulate diversity;
3. Create tools, resources, and programs to support DEIBA initiatives for Member Societies.

Our initiatives include collective action by AIP’s Member Societies and build upon AIP’s programmatic efforts aimed at improving diversity, creating a culture of inclusion and belonging, and increasing the visibility of AIP as a leader of DEIBA in the physical sciences community.

You Make It Possible

Your commitment enhances equity throughout the physical sciences for years to come.

Diversify the Physical Sciences
Increase the number of physical science degree holders (undergraduate and graduate) representing under-represented groups.
Create an Inclusive Culture in the Physical Sciences
Improve academic and work environments to promote inclusivity and belonging for under-represented groups.
Build a Community of Champions and Change Makers
Engage and activate a community of stakeholders to support DEIBA change initiatives.
Model Organizational Change
Support the Federation to model DEIBA principles and strategies outlined in this strategic plan.
  • I want to make sure students don’t experience feelings of isolation like I did. I want to help ensure that future generations will be seen and heard.
    Jessica Harris, Astrophysicist and Science Communicator
  • Growing up I always longed to see a scientist that looked like me. Although I didn’t have the resources, I did whatever I could to learn more about the field I was so passionate about.
    ayanna mann.jpg
    Ayanna Mann ‘25, TEAM-UP Together Scholar, Howard University Physics Major

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