Sandeep Giri

Sandeep Giri

Current Positions
Trustee, AIPF Board of Trustees  

Sandeep Giri’s career focuses on building products in the high-tech sector. He has first-hand experience solving audacious engineering problems across multiple industries and several cultures, with an emphasis on machine learning and artificial intelligence He has primarily focused on emerging technology development, driving systems from concept to production, fundamental analysis of project viability at scale, and building end-end infrastructure. Products impacted thus far include flat panel displays, MEMS devices, solar panels, head-mounted displays, smart watches, e-readers, stratospheric balloons and data center infrastructure. He holds multiple patents and has published academic papers.

He has built teams and products across Asia, Europe, North America. He has conducted projects at Fermi and Oak Ridge national laboratories. He is an honorary member of Sigma Pi Sigma. He has also served as a member of the Joint Task Force on Undergraduate Physics Programs. 

As part of AIP, he wants to make physics diverse, relevant and cool. He earned a master’s degree in materials science and engineering from Stanford University and a bachelor’s degree in physics and mathematics from Coe College.