American Institute of Physics
Press Release

Addicted to love? It’s not you, it’s your brain. (video)

FEB 11, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 11, 2016 -- Love can make you feel different things – sometimes happy, sometimes fixated, and sometimes down right sick. And it turns out that drugs almost work in the same way.

But how close are love and addictive drugs related? To the brain, love and drugs act similarly. Being in love floods the brain with chemicals and hormones that help form a connection and produce feelings of euphoria and fascination – the same effects as many drugs.

But why would your brain treat your lover like a line of cocaine? It turns out it can’t help it, it’s just programmed that way.

Follow Inside Science guest host, Alistair Jennings, as we explore why love is addictive:

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