Quantum Fluctuations Near Absolute Zero Visualized for the First Time

Pictured: Quantum fluctuations imaged for the first time.
Beena Kalisky
(Inside Science) -- It looks like static on a TV screen. But the noisy picture is actually something much more exciting to material scientists: the first image of quantum fluctuations -- the driving force behind quantum phase transitions, which affect certain key material properties, such as magnetism and superconductivity, that make many modern-day gadgets possible.
Quantum phase transitions are somewhat like the more familiar classical phase transitions, which occur when we boil water to make steam, or when we melt cheese over a delicious sandwich. Both describe the transition of a material’s property, such as from a solid to a liquid. But while changes in temperature -- or thermal fluctuations -- drive the vaporizing of a liquid or the melting of a solid, quantum phase transitions are driven by quantum fluctuations, which are energy fluctuations that exist everywhere
To visualize these fluctuations, researchers from the U.S., Russia and Israel used a device known as a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device, or SQUID
The new technique can help researchers better study many fundamental properties of materials, such as why certain materials are magnetic while others are not, or why certain materials are superconductors. The result was published