Inside Science

November’s Stellar Space Pictures

NOV 30, 2018
View new pictures of Mars, the last picture of the dwarf planet Ceres and images of the brightest galaxy in the universe.
November's Stellar Space Pictures lead image

This month, the new Sloan Digital Sky Survey was announced. This cutaway illustration shows the parts of our universe that the survey intends to observe.

Robin Dienel/Carnegie Institution for Science/SDSS

(Inside Science) -- This month, we celebrate the beginning of one space mission and the end of another, among other new discoveries. NASA ended its Dawn mission to the asteroid belt but began a new one on Mars. In other parts of the universe, researchers made unexpected discoveries about neighboring stars and far-flung galaxies. Our selection of photos and illustrations brings the celebration back to Earth.


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ESO/M. Kornmesser )

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ESO/M. Kornmesser

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NRAO/AUI/NSF/S. Dagnello )

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NASA/JPL-Caltech )

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