Inside Science

Mask-Wearing Tackles Spread of COVID-19

JUN 30, 2021
Wearing masks for more than a year could have been a key factor in why many states can now lift mask wearing restrictions.
Inside Science Contributor
Mask-Wearing Tackles Spread of COVID-19

(Inside Science) -- Even as many states are starting to lift mask restrictions, research shows that the masks may have been one of the key factors to slowing the spread of the virus. Masks may again be instrumental in protecting against the spread of what’s known as the virus’ delta variant. Researchers examined high speed camera footage of people speaking to see how tiny particles move around people during conversations. Scientists analyzed the air flow in typical conversations to find out how asymptomatic people were spreading the COVID-19. Asymptomatic people can carry the virus but have no symptoms.

The research found certain sounds we make as we speak caused droplets to move further and faster than others. But there is an easy way to help cut back on the spread of droplets as a result of speaking – wear a mask.

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