FYI: Science Policy News
116th Congress
Blue Collar to Green Collar Jobs Development Act of 2019
To amend title II of the Department of Energy Organization Act to reauthorize an office within the Department of Energy, to direct the Secretary of Energy to establish and carry out a comprehensive, nationwide energy-related industries jobs program, and for other purposes.
Summary of Selected Provisions
  • Directs the Department of Energy to create a program to improve education and training for energy-related careers nationwide, specifically prioritizing opportunities for underrepresented groups. The program would provide “direct assistance” to education and training institutions, create a clearinghouse of job resources, and share best practices.
  • Directs DOE to collaborate with the National Science Foundation and other agencies to develop best practices for providing graduates with the skills necessary for energy-related jobs, with a particular emphasis on STEM education and Minority-Serving Institutions
  • Establishes a grant program that would pay the wages of employees at eligible businesses that are receiving training to work in green energy jobs, prioritizing underrepresented groups, and suggests the program receive $70 million annually for fiscal year 2020 to 2024
Primary Sponsors
Co-sponsors by Party
  • 07/17/2019
    Advanced by House Energy and Commerce Committee
  • 02/22/2019
    Introduced in House

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