FYI: Science Policy News

ARPA–H Selects Texas and Massachusetts for Regional Hubs

OCT 02, 2023
Andrea Peterson
Senior Data Analyst
An artistic rendering of a network of hubs over a map of the US


Last week, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health announced that it has selected Dallas, Texas, and Cambridge, Massachusetts, as the sites for its first two regional hubs.

These sites will serve as the anchors for ARPANET-H, a new network of “hub” and “spoke” institutions designed to promote health innovation.

The Dallas hub will focus on “customer experience,” which entails diversifying clinical trials and promoting health equity and accessibility. Cambridge will be home to an “investor catalyst” hub, which will serve as a bridge between researchers, entrepreneurs, and investors to accelerate the commercialization of new discoveries.

A third hub focused on stakeholder engagement and operations will be located in the Washington, DC, area and is expected to be announced later this year.

ARPAH also announced the network’s first “spokes,” which include research institutes and health centers in 10 states. ARPAH intends for the network to eventually span all 50 states.

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