History Programs

History Programs

AIP’s History programs help us understand the history of modern physics and how it shapes our future. AIP offers researchers and the public free access to historical resources, online exhibits, oral histories, and educational materials, along with financial assistance for using archival facilities globally. The works scholars are able to access through AIP’s history program transform dissertations, journal articles, and books.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

AIP’s Niels Bohr Library & Archives is a world-renowned resource drawing scholars, students, and researchers globally to access the rare and precious resources in the history of the physical sciences. We offer an outstanding collection of textbooks, monographs, oral histories, and archival records of AIP and member societies that capture the history of physics, astronomy, geophysics, and allied fields. Our comprehensive efforts in collecting, preserving, digitizing, and collaborating with other archival institutions around the world ensure the availability of rare and significant materials for researchers and the public.
You Make It Possible
Your support brings the past of the physical sciences into a vibrant dialogue with the present.
Your Support Helps Us:
Nothing compares to being onsite at the Center for History of Physics and Niels Bohr Library & Archives where you literally can hold history in your hands.
The Niels Bohr Library and Archive is a treasure trove of information in every media form and on every physicist. Mindful of history’s consequences for the present, I unreservedly support its efforts to enlighten and remind the public.
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