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Who's Hiring Physics Bachelors

JAN 25, 2024
Patrick Mulvey headshot
Research Manager AIP

Below, you will find a state-by-state listing of only a portion of the employers who recently hired new physics bachelors to fill science and engineering positions*. Click on a state to see the employers for that state.

These listings will be useful to recent graduates by illustrating the diversity of employers who hired physics bachelors. The list can also be used by physics departments wishing to develop or strengthen contacts with employers in their area.

*The many high schools where new bachelors work as teaches, as well as the colleges and universities that hire physics bachelors are not included in the state listings. Degree recipients enlisted in branches of the military are also not included, but civilians employed by the military are.

The data in this resource comes from the AIP Physics Bachelor’s Follow-up survey, classes of 2018 through 2022.

Employers who hired multiple physics bachelors

View distribution of employment sectors for physics bachelors

Common job titles for new physics bachelors

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