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Piezoelectric vibration dislodges dust for more efficient solar panels

JAN 17, 2025
Employing transparent piezoelectric films can keep solar panels operating at peak efficiency in regions where water cleaning is impractical.
Piezoelectric vibration dislodges dust for more efficient solar panels internal name

Piezoelectric vibration dislodges dust for more efficient solar panels lead image

The efficiency of a solar panel is heavily dependent on having a clear and clean surface. But over time, dust and dirt buildup can block light and reduce their electricity output. Regular washing can keep these panels operating at peak efficiency, but in arid regions, another cleaning method is required that doesn’t rely on water.

Manzo et al. developed a method to loosen dirt through vibrations, using polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) piezoelectric films.

“By applying alternating current, these films generate mechanical vibrations that effectively dislodge dust particles,” said author Maurizio Manzo. “This water-free approach offers a sustainable alternative to traditional cleaning methods, particularly for arid regions with high dust accumulation.”

Without regular cleaning, solar panels in dusty regions can see efficiency losses of up to 25%. Regular water cleaning of solar panels uses an estimated 10 billion gallons annually, which is an exorbitant cost and environmental impact for water-scarce regions that hinders the broader adoption of solar power generation.

“Large-scale implementation of this method could significantly enhance solar panel efficiency while conserving valuable water resources,” said Manzo. “By reducing maintenance costs and improving energy output, this technology has the potential to further drive the adoption of sustainable solar energy.”

In tests, the authors used their method to dislodge 90% of dust on solar panel surfaces over a 60-second window, while drawing only 261 W of power during operation. In further tests, they plan to improve these numbers and demonstrate the efficacy of their method.

“Future research will focus on outdoor testing to evaluate performance under real-world conditions, including varying dust compositions and humidity levels,” said Manzo. “We also aim to make the system more efficient.”

Source: “A novel solar panel self-cleaning method based on piezoelectric films,” by Maurizio Manzo, Maher Maymoun, Ramiz Qamar, Yazan Rihani, and Amer Al-Jahran, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (2025). The article can be accessed at .

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