News & Analysis

New window design conserves energy and increases ventilation

NOV 27, 2017
Solar Ventilated Windows use a double-window system to promote energy efficiency and ensure proper indoor air quality.
New window design conserves energy and increases ventilation internal name

New window design conserves energy and increases ventilation lead image

Windows are a prominent and often architecturally celebrated aspect of offices, apartments and homes. While providing benefits like an influx of natural light and air flow to interior spaces, conventional windows lack adequate ventilation systems and can consume large amounts of energy. Newly engineered Solar Ventilated Windows (SVW) demonstrate improved ventilation, reduced building heating and cooling load, and decreased HVAC energy consumption.

In the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, researchers report using experiments and technological simulations to measure the impacts of SVW use in various weather and climate zones. Their investigation provided both quantitative and comprehensive data on the performance of SVW in different environments.

The SVW uses a double-window model with two 6-millimeter thick glass sheets placed in facade spacing. The spacing between the windows forms an air channel and allows for the flow of incoming air to increase indoor ventilations. The construction allows for the inner window to have lower transmittance and higher reflectance, while the outer facade is adjustable to accommodate for changes in season and weather.

Results for simulations in five different weather zones showed that the SVW was able to reduce energy consumption and promote air exchange. Performance and subsequent energy savings were, however, heavily impacted by weather conditions. SVW had a stronger performance in severe cold zones as opposed to zones with fluctuating seasonal weather patterns.

The low cost along with easy manufacturing and implementation procedures of SVWs shows that this engineering could be applied to a variety of structures to encourage energy efficiency and promote high indoor air quality.

Source: “Evaluation of the performance of a new solar ventilated window: Modeling and experimental verification,” by Zhihong Pang, Peng Xu, Xing Lu, Shunian Qiu, Lu Chen, and Jin Hou, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (2017). The article can be accessed at .

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