FYI: Science Policy News
Budget Tracker

FY2021 National Institutes of Health

Latest update APR 02, 2024

On this page you will find fiscal year 2021 budget and appropriations tables for National INstitutes of Health, as well as a high-level summary of related committee and chamber actions in Congress and FYI analysis and coverage of those programs.

Complete FYI coverage of this agency.

FYI Analysis
The Senate is seeking a $2 billion budget increase for the National Institutes of Health for fiscal year 2021, while the House is proposing a small increase augmented by $5 billion in pandemic-related emergency spending.
The National Institutes of Health’s budget would fall 7% to $39 billion under the Trump administration’s proposal for fiscal year 2021. Congress will likely reject the request, having provided NIH with multibillion-dollar budget increases for five years in a row.