FYI: Science Policy News
116th Congress
Protect Our Universities Act of 2019
A bill to call on the Secretary of Homeland Security to lead a task force to address the threat of foreign government influence and threats to academic research integrity on college campuses, and for other purposes.
Summary of Selected Provisions

Provisions in both bills

  • Establishes a National Security Technology Task Force to “address the threat of espionage” at higher education institutions
  • Directs the task force to maintain a list of “sensitive research projects” and inform grantee institutions about espionage mitigation measures
  • “Sensitive research projects” are defined as projects funded by a “qualified funding agency,” which include the Defense Department, Energy Department, and intelligence agencies
  • Prevents sensitive research projects from using technologies that are developed by foreign entities deemed to “pose a threat of espionage”
  • The initial list of entities must include Huawei, ZTE Corporation, Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, Dahua Technology Company, and Kaspersky Lab

Provisions in the House bill

  • Directs the Department of Education to create the task force
  • Requires students from China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran to receive approval from the Director of National Intelligence in order to participate in a sensitive research project
  • Permits agencies that sponsor sensitive research projects to reduce or terminate funding for grantees that do not comply with the requirements

Provisions in the Senate bill

  • Directs the Department of Homeland Security to create the task force
  • Requires students from China, Russia, and Iran to receive approval by a background screening office in order to participate in a sensitive research project
  • Permits the Secretary of Homeland Security to reduce or terminate funding for grantees that do not comply with the requirements
Primary Sponsors
Co-sponsors by Party
  • 06/18/2019
    Introduced in Senate

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