115th Congress
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2018
To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2018 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.
Summary of Selected Provisions
Provisions in the final bill
- Establishes an Infrastructure Modernization Initiative for NNSA labs and facilities
- Directs the under secretary of defense for research and engineering (USD(R&E)) to initiate reviews of DOD policies that inhibit the mission of the department’s innovation, research, and engineering enterprise
- Establishes USD(R&E) as the official with principal responsibility for directed energy weapons and authorizes $100 million to perform a program of prototyping and demonstration of those weapons
- Establishes new mechanisms through which DOD can establish cooperative arrangements “to facilitate expedited access to university technical expertise”
- Directs a series of reforms to Air Force and DOD space activities
- For further information, see “Congress Passes National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018"
Provisions in the House bill
- Establishes a Space Corps within the Department of the Air Force
- Directs DOD and DOE to conduct a pilot program to facilitate the licensure, transfer, and commercialization of innovative technologies
- Directs DOD to assess the status of its STEM, maintenance, and manufacturing workforce, and to develop a plan of action to address future needs
- Makes permanent DOD’s authority to award prizes for achievements in advanced technology and allows for the issuance of non-monetary awards
- Directs DOD to conduct a nuclear weapon design competition
- For further information, see “House and Senate Bringing Differing R&D Policies to Defense Bill Conference”
Provisions in the Senate bill
- Directs the under secretary of defense for research and engineering (USD(R&E)) to initiate reviews of DOD policies that inhibit the mission of the department’s innovation, research, and engineering enterprise
- Establishes USD(R&E) as the official with principal responsibility for directed energy weapons and authorizes $200 million to perform a program of prototyping and demonstration of those weapons
- Designates additional “Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories,” extending to them special authorities, such as hiring authorities, that are already granted to other such DOD research facilities
- Establishes new mechanisms through which DOD can establish cooperative arrangements “to facilitate expedited access to university technical expertise”
- Differentiates R&D activities from “service” activities to facilitate the implementation of contracting procedures designed to accommodate the peculiarities of R&D work
- Modifies statutory language to expand competitive selection for awards from “basic research” to include all “research and development”
- For further information, see “House and Senate Bringing Differing R&D Policies to Defense Bill Conference”
Primary Sponsors
Co-sponsors by Party
12/12/2017Became law
11/09/2017Conference committee agreement finalized
06/28/2017Advanced by House Armed Services Committee