FYI: Science Policy News
115th Congress
Energy Storage Goals and Demonstration Projects Act
A bill to amend the United States Energy Storage Competitiveness Act of 2007 to direct the Secretary of Energy to establish new goals for the Department of Energy relating to energy storage and to carry out certain demonstration projects relating to energy storage.
Summary of Selected Provisions

Provisions in both bills

  • Directs the Department of Energy to coordinate energy storage research with other federal agencies, including the Department of Transportation and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Provisions in the House bill

  • Establishes objectives for DOE’s program of grid-scale energy storage demonstration projects, including: commercial feasibility, installed energy capital cost for the ocmplete grid-integrated system of less than $100 per kWh, a minimum of one full deep charge and discharge cycle per day, a minimum storage duration of 4 hours, and a lifetime of 20 years or at least 8,000 cycles of discharge at full output

Provisions in the Senate bill

  • Establishes objectives for DOE’s program of grid-scale energy storage demonstration projects, including: commercial feasibility, installed energy capital cost of less than $100 per kWh, a minimum of one full charge and discharge cycle per day, and a lifetime of at least 5,000 cycles of discharge at full output
Primary Sponsors
Co-sponsors by Party
  • 06/28/2017
    Introduced in Senate

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