Erio Tosatti wins 2005 Tate Medal

Erio Tosatti
Few have reached out more to physicists in developing nations than Italian scientist Erio Tosatti. Tosatti is a leading condensed matter physicist. He has published around 400 scientific papers, and edited ten books. He has received the Elias Burstein lecture Award from the University of Pennsylvania and the Francesco Somaini Physics Prize. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and has held positions in scientific committees of renowned institutions.Erio Tossati has been very active and effective in promoting physics among physicists from the developing countries at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste and helping them to realize their potential.
Erio has been a long-time member of the Condensed Matter Group of the ICTP. He has organized more than 20 events (conferences, workshops, summer schools), ranging from the physics of high-Tc superconductivity to surface physics to computational condensed matter. He occupied the position of Acting Director. Despite of his very short time in that office, he had a profound understating of the needs of physicist in developing countries. He has probably left much deeper marks in many countries than many of the programs that make the headlines.More information about Erio Tosatti’s award.