Jacob Pasner, 2020-2021 AIP Congressional Science Fellow
Member Society: American Physical Society

Jacob Pasner
Born and raised on his family’s organic farm in rural California, Dr. Jake Pasner earned his Ph.D. at UC Santa Cruz (2019) in Particle Physics studying the Higgs Boson at the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest international experiment. Jake’s research background in distributed computing and data visualization makes him well versed in the tools America needs to secure and operationalize our nations data in the age of artificial intelligence, climate change, and global pandemic. Bridging this gap from big tractors to big data, Jake is passionate about ensuring equal access to the new technologies of the information age and leveraging science for environmental justice. He accepted the AAAS Fellowship with an open mind and determination to serve his country. He also enjoys hiking, cooking, gardening, and playing music.