American Institute of Physics
Press Release

2023 Venture Grant Winners

MAR 05, 2023

In 2023, AIP distributed over $339,000 in Venture grants to support Member Society projects:

Green Meetings in a Post-Covid World
To become a thought leader on planning and executing green meetings and help other AIP Member Societies and Affiliates fulfill the recommendations related to environmental stewardship put forth in the FACETS report.

AMS - Green Meetings in a Post Covid World - Annual Forum 2024.pdf (.pdf, 7 mb)

Equity Assessment
To collect and analyze longitudinal data through a quantitative and qualitative Culture Survey to understand membership demographics, and identify equity, inclusion, and justice (EIJ) successes and challenges; and to develop an EIJ strategic plan with goals, strategies, metrics, and benchmarks to fully integrate EIJ into AMS’s overall strategic plan and evaluate its impact over time.

AMS Equity Assessment - Annual Forum 2024 (.pdf, 759 kb)

Science Trust
To address science misinformation, particularly around climate change, with the long-term goals of (1) empowering AIP societies’ membership to address scientific misinformation in their professional and personal lives and (2) developing a better understanding of the impact of membership participation in addressing misinformation.

APS Science Trust Poster - Annual Forum 2024 (.pdf, 1 mb)

Continued projects from 2022:
Collective Action on DEI, AMPERE, Solar Eclipses, Crystallography Video Library, Career-Counselling Portal, Conference Presentations/Shareable Software, REU in Acoustics, Vacuum Course Content.