FYI: Science Policy News

Senate Roll Call Vote on Space Station Appropriations

OCT 01, 1993

On September 22, the Senate passed H.R. 2491, the VA, HUD and Independent Agencies Appropriations bill for fiscal year 1994. During floor debate over the bill, the space station, now being referred to in its redesigned state as Space Station Alpha, survived an amendment by Sen. Dale Bumpers (D-Arkansas) to terminate it.

The Bumpers amendment was tabled (killed) on September 21 on a motion by Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Maryland), an avid station backer and chairwoman of the appropriations subcommittee responsible for NASA. Mikulski’s motion, effectively forestalling Bumpers’ amendment and saving the space station, was agreed to on a 59-40 vote. The vote is tallied below. A YEA vote was in favor of the space station; a NO vote was against it.

*** YEAS(59) *************************************************


Biden J (DE)

Feinstein D (CA)

Mikulski B (MD)

Bingaman J (NM)

Glenn J (OH)

Moseley-Braun C (IL)

Boxer B (CA)

Graham B (FL)

Murray P (WA)

Breaux J (LA)

Harkin T (IA)

Riegle D (MI)

Byrd R (WV)

Heflin H (AL)

Robb C (VA)

Campbell B (CO)

Inouye D (HI)

Sarbanes P (MD)

Daschle T (SD)

Johnston J (LA)

Shelby R (AL)

Dodd C (CT)

Lieberman J (CT)


Bennett R (UT)

Grassley C (IA)

McCain J (AZ)

Bond C (MO)

Gregg J (NH)

McConnell M (KY)

Burns C (MT)

Hatch O (UT)

Murkowski F (AK)

Cochran T (MS)

Hatfield M (OR)

Nickles D (OK)

Coverdell P (GA)

Helms J (NC)

Packwood B (OR)

Craig L (ID)

Hutchison K (TX)

Pressler L (SD)

Danforth J (MO)

Jeffords J (VT)

Roth W (DE)

Dole B (KS)

Kassebaum N (KS)

Simpson A (WY)

Domenici P (NM)

Kempthorne D (ID)

Smith R (NH)

Durenberger D (MN)

Lott T (MS)

Stevens T (AK)

Gorton S (WA)

Lugar R (IN)

Thurmond S (SC)

Gramm P (TX)

Mack C (FL)

Wallop M (WY)

*** NAYS (40) ***********




Akaka D (HI)

Ford W (KY)

Mitchell G (ME)

Baucus M (MT)

Hollings E (SC)

Moynihan D (NY)

Boren D (OK)

Kennedy E (MA)

Nunn S (GA)

Bradley B (NJ)

Kerrey B (NE)

Pell C (RI)

Bryan R (NV)

Kerry J (MA)

Pryor D (AR)

Bumpers D (AR)

Kohl H (WI)

Reid H (NV)

Conrad K (ND)

Lautenberg F (NJ)

Sasser J (TN)

DeConcini D (AZ)

Leahy P (VT)

Simon P (IL)

Dorgan B (ND)

Levin C (MI)

Wellstone P (MN)

Exon J (NE)

Mathews H (TN)

Wofford H (PA)

Feingold R (WI)

Metzenbaum H (OH)


Brown H (CO)

Cohen W (ME)

Specter A (PA)

Chafee J (RI)

D’Amato A (NY)

Warner J (VA)

Coats D (IN)

Faircloth L (NC)

*** NOT VOTING (1)*******




Rockefeller J (WV)

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