American Institute of Physics’ (“AIP”) will reimburse, or pay on your behalf, for travel and entertainment expenses that are necessary and suitable to fulfill a valid business purpose related to the mission of AIP. Any volunteer’s failure to follow this Travel and Entertainment Policy
Individuals may incur reimbursable expenses in the course of performing services for AIP. A reimbursable expense must be reasonable in that it is not extreme or excessive and reflects a prudent decision to incur the expense. The expense must be allowable according to the terms of applicable federal and state regulation, federal or sponsored contract, and AIP policy. The event for which the expense was incurred must not be reasonably construed as discriminating or retaliating against any person.
Travelers are asked to make reasonable and cost effective choices and to be prudent when selecting travel routes.
This policy covers all volunteers, including Directors and Member Representatives. Non-Board volunteer travel expenses are submitted to the Division that engaged the activity and are approved by the Senior Director in that Division.
Volunteers pay for expenses out of pocket. Out of pocket (cash payments) expenses should be submitted to Accounting on the approved AIP Travel Reimbursement Form
Expense reports are to be submitted within 30 days of the expense occurring. Receipts are an essential part of the expense validation process and these must be submitted at the time of the request for reimbursement. Receipts are required for expenses greater than $25. Required receipts include:
- Air, rail, or other common carrier receipt, including reservation details
- Lodging receipts, including the detailed breakdown of all charges
- Vehicle rental receipt showing details (i.e.,type of vehicle, total miles driven, fuel expenses,rental daily rate, and total cost)
- Meal receipts, including details of items ordered; tips to servers of up to 20% of the check are reimbursable.
Travelers are encouraged to plan dates of travel well in advance of making any arrangements. This should allow for travelers to select their mode of travel and to price tickets at least 21 days in advance of intended travel dates. Where possible, travelers should plan ticketed travel to take advantage of convention, training, event based, or other promotional fares. Where no such fares are available, preferred travel providers should be used if a special rate relationship with AIP exists.
When AIP travel is combined with travel for another purpose, AIP will only reimburse for travel specifically related to AIP business.
For questions or additional information about this travel guide, please contact AIP Payables at