FYI: Science Policy News
The Week of May 15, 2023

What’s Ahead

Monica Bertagnolli

Monica Bertagnolli speaking in her role as National Cancer Institute director at a town hall meeting in December 2022. (Image credit – NCI)

Biden Nominating Oncologist Monica Bertagnolli to Lead NIH

The White House announced on Monday that President Biden is nominating National Cancer Institute Director Monica Bertagnolli to lead the National Institutes of Health. Before joining NCI last fall, Bertagnolli was chief of surgical oncology at the Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center and a professor at Harvard Medical School. She also served as chair of the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology and championed initiatives to improve data infrastructure for clinical research. If confirmed, Bertagnolli will take over from Lawrence Tabak, who has been leading the agency on an acting basis since former director Francis Collins stepped down at the end of 2021. Unusually, Collins had served in the role for more than 12 years across three presidential administrations.

DOE Nominees Face Senate Committee Vote

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee is holding a business meeting on Wednesday at which it will consider the nominations of David Crane to be under secretary for infrastructure at the Department of Energy and Jeff Marootian to lead the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. The committee already approved their nominations in December on votes of 13 to 7 and 11 to 9, respectively, but the confirmation process reset when the new Congress convened in January. Resecuring committee approval would typically be pro forma given that Democrats retained control of the Senate. However, Energy Committee Chair Joe Manchin (D-WV) has recently reacted negatively to certain Biden administration policies on energy and the environment and just last week indicated he would not support any nominee for the Environmental Protection Agency in view of the agency’s advancement of a strict new rule governing power plant carbon emissions. EPA nominations, though, are handled by another committee and it is unlikely Manchin would call a vote for Crane and Marootian if he did not continue to support their confirmation. The committee will also consider an array of bills at the meeting, including one that would establish a Nuclear Fuel Security Program in DOE with the recommendation that Congress appropriate $3.5 billion to it immediately.

Senate Appropriators to Consider Priorities for US–China Rivalry

The Senate Appropriations Committee is holding a hearing on Tuesday to examine the Biden administration’s fiscal year 2024 budget request in the context of “U.S. security, competitiveness, and the path ahead for the U.S.–China relationship.” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Tony Blinken, and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo will testify. The hearing’s broader purpose is to consider spending priorities in view of bipartisan legislation that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) plans to develop to reinforce the U.S. position in its strategic competition with China. Schumer has said the effort will have a strong focus on technology, potentially including measures to fund R&D in targeted areas and prevent the Chinese government from exploiting U.S. technological advances. This week’s hearing follows another on the same subject that the committee held behind closed doors last week with officials whose portfolios are focused on the Indo-Pacific region and export controls.

Nelson Completes Capitol Hill Tour in Defense of NASA Budget

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson is appearing before the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee on Tuesday to discuss the agency’s fiscal year 2024 budget request, following earlier visits with Senate and House appropriators and the House Science Committee . Nelson completed his own career as a senator as the Commerce Committee’s ranking Democrat and chaired its subcommittee on space policy for eight years. The discussion at this week’s hearing is apt to range across all NASA activities, with significant attention to human spaceflight, but Nelson may also address tensions in the agency’s science portfolio, including the growing costs of the Mars Sample Return flagship mission.

PCAST Examining Social Implications of AI

The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology is meeting on Thursday and Friday. The agenda includes a discussion on “the future of food” and two panels on artificial intelligence, one focused on enabling science needs and the second on AI’s impacts on society. PCAST has just announced a new working group on generative AI systems and is soliciting public input on the subject, which has recently gained a high profile through the release of applications such as ChatGPT.

Editor’s note: FYI is preparing to roll out new features and capabilities. We’d like to thank readers who volunteered to provide feedback on our new website. Be on the lookout for more information in the weeks ahead.

In Case You Missed It

U.S. depicting the locations of the NSF Regional Innovation Engines

A map showing the 44 awardees of development grants from the NSF Regional Innovation Engines program. (Image credit – NSF)

Regional Innovation Programs Ramp Up

On May 11, the National Science Foundation announced the first grants through its Regional Innovation Engines program, which was established last year and received congressional backing through the CHIPS and Science Act. Forty-four teams are each receiving up to $1 million over two years to develop proposals for one of the program’s main “Engine” grants, which can each have a value of up to $160 million over a period of up to 10 years. Activities eligible for support include “use-inspired” R&D, the translation of research outputs into practical applications, and workforce development. On May 12, the Commerce Department issued its first call for applications for its separate but similar Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs program, which was created by the CHIPS and Science Act and provided with $500 million in Congress’ appropriation for the current fiscal year. The call covers “phase 1” of the program, which will involve designating 20 hubs and separately awarding $15 million in project development grants, the recipients of which will be eligible to compete for larger grants in “phase 2,” which is expected to launch later this year. The program aims to develop supported hubs into preeminent industrial clusters in 10 technology focus areas identified in the CHIPS and Science Act.

DOE Launches Inertial Fusion Energy Program

Last week, the Department of Energy issued a funding opportunity through which it expects to award a total of $45 million to establish a series of multi-institutional “hubs” for inertial fusion energy R&D. It is the first solicitation from a new program in DOE’s Fusion Energy Sciences program called Inertial Fusion Energy Science & Technology Accelerated Research (IFE-STAR) and is the start of a foray by DOE into R&D related to producing energy from inertial fusion methods such as laser-driven fusion. Most DOE inertial fusion research is funded through the National Nuclear Security Administration and is aimed primarily at obtaining data relevant to the long-term stewardship of nuclear warheads. Congress mandated the creation of an inertial fusion energy program through the Energy Act of 2020 . DOE’s solicitation also notes that the move follows from a recommendation in a 2013 National Academies report that “a national, coordinated, broad-based inertial fusion energy program” be created once the threshold of fusion ignition is crossed — a milestone the National Ignition Facility achieved in December. DOE plans to provide $9 million for the program in 2023 and hopes Congress will appropriate the remainder in coming years.

DOD Releases Long-Awaited Science and Technology Strategy

The Department of Defense released a 12-page, public version of a document last week called the National Defense Science and Technology Strategy, which outlines policies needed to achieve its aims in 14 technology focus areas it has already identified. Congress originally directed DOD to produce the strategy in 2018, but the department did not do so under the Trump administration and the Biden administration did not release its overarching National Defense Strategy until last fall. The strategy emphasizes collaboration with the private sector and international partners and acknowledges that such efforts will require more extensive information-sharing, stating that DOD is “prepared to accept more risk to share more information with allies and partners who share with us and protect sensitive information.” It also stresses the need to support a “vibrant innovation ecosystem” and to devote resources to traversing the so-called “valleys of death” between R&D and prototyping and different scales of production. Addressing the “foundations” of R&D, it prioritizes support for DOD’s test and laboratory infrastructure and digital infrastructure, as well as for workforce development, specifically spotlighting the SMART scholarship-for-service program.

Science Committee Republicans Flag ‘Neglect’ of DOE Science Office

Last week, House Science Committee Chair Frank Lucas (R-OK) and seven other Republicans sent a letter to the Department of Energy expressing “serious concerns with DOE’s ongoing lack of robust and consistent support for its Office of Science.” The letter argues that the department’s latest budget request deprioritizes the Office of Science in favor of clean energy deployment activities, which it asserts are already “extremely well-funded” after DOE received a $100 billion infusion through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), of which only 2% went to the Office of Science. The letter further contends DOE’s “neglect” of the office is straining its workforce, pointing to the recent departures of five high-level career officials, only one of whom has been replaced.

The committee also held a hearing last week to examine DOE’s implementation of the IIJA, IRA, and the CHIPS and Science Act, at which Under Secretary for Science and Innovation Geri Richmond and Acting Under Secretary for Infrastructure Kathleen Hogan defended the strength of coordination between the department’s R&D programs and deployment activities. The hearing also addressed several other topics that have recently attracted congressional attention, including fusion energy development, the award of a grant to a company with extensive operations in China, and DOE employees allegedly owning stock in companies operating in areas related to the department’s work.

Lofgren Addresses NIST Infrastructure Woes

At a House Science Committee hearing last week, National Institute of Standards and Technology Director Laurie Locascio spotlighted the deterioration of facilities at her agency’s two main campuses, mentioning it in her opening statement before any other specific subject. Discussion at the hearing focused on other issues, including NIST’s central role in implementing the semiconductor initiatives in the CHIPS and Science Act. However, Committee Ranking Member Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) devoted substantial attention to the matter in her opening statement , saying, “Congress and industry alike are asking NIST to take on more responsibility even as the agency faces a crisis of failing infrastructure and unmet maintenance needs. … This has been a problem decades in the making, and I think this committee, although we don’t do the appropriations, needs to focus and advocate for this need to be met.”

NOAA Head Weighs In on Agency’s Place in Commerce Department

House Science Committee Chair Frank Lucas (R-OK) asked National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration head Rick Spinrad at a hearing last week how much time he spends meeting with Commerce Department leaders while developing NOAA’s budget request. Lucas said the question was related to his push to make NOAA an independent agency, but also made clear he did not expect Spinrad to take a stance on that issue at this time. Spinrad replied, “A lot,” adding that about half his calendar is dedicated to internal engagement, which includes discussions with officials at the Commerce Department and its various agencies. “I would say some of the most productive dialogues I’m having, for example, are with my counterparts at the Patent and Trademark Office, International Trade Administration, Economic Development Administration, and of course NIST and Census,” he said. Spinrad’s remarks reflected a more positive view than those offered at a hearing several weeks ago by Neil Jacobs and Tim Gallaudet, who each led NOAA on an acting basis for periods during the Trump administration. They both expressed deep frustration about their day-to-day interactions with the Commerce Department, and Gallaudet also condemned the department’s reallocation of portions of NOAA’s budget to other agencies. Asked by Lucas about whether he discusses such transfers with department leaders, Spinrad said that he does without elaborating further.

House and Senate Advance Array of Science Bills

On May 9, the House passed two bipartisan bills relating to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Coastal Communities Ocean Acidification Act and the Advanced Weather Model Computing Development Act , on votes of 351 to 58 and 356 to 50 , respectively. The former requires NOAA to undertake studies of ocean acidification in concert with state and local governments, while the latter requires the agency to improve weather and climate modeling methods in collaboration with other federal agencies, the national labs, universities, and nonprofit organizations. At a meeting on May 10, the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee advanced several research-related bills. The House Science Committee has previously advanced companion versions of two of them — the National Weather Service Communications Improvement Act and the NOAA Weather Radio Modernization Act — while the TORNADO Act , which would direct NOAA to improve its communication of weather hazard information, has no House companion. The House already unanimously passed a companion version of another bill the Senate committee advanced, the TRANQ Research Act , which would direct the National Institute of Standards and Technology to research processes for identifying and differentiating illegal drugs containing xylazine and synthetic opioids.

Events This Week

All times are Eastern Standard Time, unless otherwise noted. Listings do not imply endorsement.

Monday, May 15

NASA: Human Exploration and Operations Advisory Committee meeting
(continues Tuesday)

NRC: Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes meeting
(continues Tuesday)

USGS: Scientific Earthquake Studies Advisory Committee meeting
12:00 - 2:00 pm

Tuesday, May 16

STScI: “Planetary Systems and the Origins of Life in the Era of JWST”
(continues through Friday)

National Academies: “Assessment of the NIST Material Measurement Laboratory”
(continues through Thursday)

National Academies: Aeronautics Research and Technology Roundtable
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Washington Post: “Climate, Technology, and Sustainability”
9:00 am

NASA: Technology, Innovation and Engineering Advisory Committee meeting
9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Senate: NASA budget request hearing
10:00 am, Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee

Senate: Hearing to examine the fiscal year 2024 budget request for hypersonic threats, missile defense, and the protection of the US homeland
10:00 am, Appropriations Committee

Senate: “Artificial Intelligence in Government”
10:00 am, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee

Senate: “Oversight of AI: Rules for Artificial Intelligence”
10:00 am, Judiciary Committee

DHS: President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee meeting
1:00 - 5:00 pm

Senate: Hearing to examine the fiscal year 2024 budget request, focusing on investing in U.S. security, competitiveness, and the path ahead for the US-China relationship
2:00 pm, Appropriations Committee

House: “Examining the Challenges Facing Forest Management, Wildfire Suppression, and Wildland Firefighters Ahead of the 2023 Wildfire Year”
2:00 pm, Natural Resources Committee

Wednesday, May 17

National Academies: 100th Meeting of the Ocean Studies Board
(continues through Friday)

National Academies: “Advancing Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEMM Organizations,” report release workshop] (continues Thursday)

Senate: Meeting to consider the nominations of David Crane to serve as Under Secretary for Infrastructure and Jeff Marootian to lead the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
10:00, Energy and Natural Resources Committee

ITIF: “The Great Debate Over Technology and Prosperity”
10:00 - 11:30 am

Senate: “Federal Actions to Improve Project Reviews for a Cleaner and Stronger Economy”
10:15 am, Environment and Public Works Committee

USGS: Scientific Earthquake Studies Advisory Committee meeting
12:00 - 2:00 pm

NSF: Polar Programs Advisory Committee meeting
1:00 - 2:00 pm

National Academies: “Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics: Panel on Space Weather Science and Applications,” teleconference 15
2:00 - 4:00 pm

House: “Leveling the Playing Field: How to Counter the Chinese Communist Party’s Economic Aggression”]
7:00 pm, China Committee

Thursday, May 18

White House: President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology meeting
(continues Friday)

National Academies: “Elementary Particle Physics Progress and Promise,” meeting seven
9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Brookings Institution: “Delivering the Infrastructure Decade: Addressing Implementation Challenges at the State and Local Level”
9:30 - 10:30 am

American Enterprise Institute: “US Outbound Investment: Regulation on the Horizon?”
9:30 - 11:00 am

Senate: “Tax Incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act: Jobs and Investment in Energy Communities”
10:15 am, Finance Committee

Politico: Energy Summit
12:00 pm

NSF: Webinar on the Development of the US Research Security and Integrity Information Sharing Analysis Organization
12:00 - 2:00 pm

C2ES: “The Clean Edge: Understanding the Impact of Border Adjustments on U.S. Competitiveness”
3:00 - 4:00 pm

National Academies: “Behavioral Pathways to Decarbonization with Recent Climate Legislation”
3:00 - 5:30 pm

Friday, May 19

National Academies: “Using Machine Learning in Safety-Critical Applications Setting a Research Agenda,” meeting seven
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

White House: National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee meeting
1:00 - 4:00 pm

National Academies: “24th Annual Roger Revelle Commemorative Lecture: Making Waves and Charting New Paths”
5:30 - 6:30 pm

Philosophical Society of Washington: “Architecture for the New Space Age - Learning to Work and Live Beyond Earth”
8:00 pm

Monday, May 22

National Academies: “Equitable and Effective Teaching in Undergraduate STEM Education: A Framework for Institutions, Educators and Disciplines,” meeting two
(continues Tuesday)

National Academies: “Building Defense Research Capacity at HBCUs, TCUs, HSIs and ANNHSIs: Town Hall on Facilitating True Partnerships”
(continues Tuesday)

NIST: Safety Commission meeting
8:30 am - 5:00 pm

National Academies: “GeoAI and the Future of Mapping Implications for 21st-Century Digital Resilience”
11:00 am - 4:30 pm

National Academies: “The Current Status and Future Direction of High Magnetic Field Science in the United States,” Phase II meeting three
12:00 - 1:00 pm


NOAA Seeking Members for Science Advisory Board

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is soliciting nominations for its 15-member Science Advisory Board. The board is particularly seeking members with expertise in artificial intelligence for weather and climate research, environmental remote sensing, engineering for coastal resilience, social and behavioral sciences, and tropical cyclones. Committee members serve three year terms that can be renewed once. Nominations are due June 15.

NSF Soliciting Comments on Grant Manual Update

The National Science Foundation is seeking feedback on a draft update to its Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide. Some of the proposed changes address new research security requirements imposed by last year’s CHIPS and Science Act. Comments are due June 12.

NSF Seeking Input on Emerging Tech Career Pathways

The National Science Foundation’s Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships Directorate is seeking input on workforce development issues in emerging technology areas. Responses will inform the development of new funding opportunities aimed at increasing participation in STEM disciplines via both traditional and non-traditional pathways. Comments are due June 21.

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Around the Web

News and views currently in circulation. Links do not imply endorsement.

White House

White House: Statement from President Joe Biden ahead of the Fifth Review Conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention

Stat: ‘I don’t see this as an end to the pandemic': White House COVID coordinator Ashish Jha on the end of the public health emergency

Fedscoop: White House federal agency AI guidelines may focus on pilots and info sharing

OSTP: White House Office of Science and Technology Policy statements on President Biden’s intent to nominate Monica Bertagnolli as NIH director

Research!America: Statement on Dr. Bertagnolli’s nomination as NIH director


Research Professional: A debt ceiling disaster?

Roll Call: NDAA on hold while Congress grapples with debt limit

Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO): Bennett introduces bill that would require agencies to designate senior official to ensure responsible federal use of emerging tech

House Science Committee: Ranking Member Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) celebrates fusion ignition at Lawrence Livermore National Lab

Science, Society, and the Economy

San Jose Mercury News: How the US can build on Chips and Science Act momentum by spreading tech nationwide (perspective by Sethuraman Panchanathan and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA))

Andrew Fieldhouse: The returns to government R&D: Evidence from US appropriations shocks (paper by Andrew Fieldhouse and Karel Mertens)

CCST: California’s federal labs and research centers: 2023 impact report

Issues in Science and Technology: When Facebook slapped a ‘missing context’ label on a venerable medical journal’s article, they set off a very 21st-century fight (perspective by Jack Stilgoe)

Education and Workforce

Science: STEM must meet people where they are (perspective by Sethuraman Panchanathan)

Science: It matters who does science (perspective by Holden Thorp)

Nature: ‘The best way to get it right is to listen to us’ — autistic people argue for a stronger voice in research

South China Morning Post: Chinese American chip designer loses bid to have trade-secret conviction tossed over racism claim

Research Management

UK Parliament: Reproducibility and research integrity (report)

Science: Fake scientific papers are alarmingly common

AAAS: As AAAS president-elect, former NIST director Willie May brings a focus on giving back and trust in science

AAS: American Astronomical Society ethics policies, procedures, and the path forward (perspective by Kelsey Johnson)

Stat: From fusion to retooling cancer trials, Eric Lander wants his new Science for America group to ‘go after big problems’

Nextgov: Setting emerging technology standards dominates NIST’s 2024 goals, says Director Laurie Locascio

NASA: The Telescope Allocation Committee: Selecting what Webb observes next

Labs and Facilities

Lawrence Livermore National Lab: Hundreds gather to celebrate historic fusion achievement

Lawrence Livermore National Lab: NIF sustainment: Ensuring the next 20 years of progress

Brookhaven National Lab: New sPHENIX detector and upgraded components at STAR will see full-energy heavy-ion collisions for first time as RHIC Run 23 begins

APS News: To become brighter, synchrotron light sources must first go dark

Physics Today: New project aims to shrink the X-ray free-electron laser

NSF: NSF provides $52.7 million for upgrade to Simons Observatory in Chile

Computing and Communications

New York Times: ‘De-Americanize’: How China is remaking its chip business

New York Times: US focuses on invigorating ‘chiplets’ to stay cutting-edge in tech

New York Times: Taiwan is running low on a strategic asset: engineers

Science|Business: World’s first artificial intelligence law moves closer to passage in European Parliament

Fox Business: US weighs restrictions on investment in Chinese AI firms

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: How politics and business are driving the AI arms race with China (perspective by Will Henshall)

MarketWatch: The next Austin? How Chattanooga is about to take a leap into quantum networking


Scientific American: NASA’s interplanetary plans may be lurching toward disaster

ESA: JUICE’s RIME antenna successfully deployed

NASA: NASA calls end to Lunar Flashlight cubesat mission after some tech successes

SpaceNews: First Intuitive Machines lunar lander mission slips to the third quarter

Ars Technica: Ambitious Arab mission to explore seven asteroids, including a very red one

SpaceNews: Astroscale and Momentus offer concept for reboosting Hubble

Ars Technica: A private company has an audacious plan to rescue the Spitzer Space Telescope

NASA: NASA announces upcoming retirement of Space Technology head Jim Reuter

Reuters: SpaceX hires former NASA human spaceflight chief Kathy Lueders for Starship role

GAO: Priority open recommendations: NASA

Weather, Climate, and Environment

Politico: Biden rule tells power plants to cut climate pollution by 90% by 2035 to 2040 timeframe — or shut down

E&E News: Legal war brews over EPA power plant rule

Politico: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) vows to oppose all Biden’s EPA nominees over power plant plan

Power: Carbon capture key to EPA’s new power plant emissions rule

CNN: What is carbon capture? Some say it will help save the world, for others it’s a dangerous distraction

Politico: Environmentalists are fighting projects around the country that aim to transport carbon dioxide and bury it underground

Wall Street Journal: Carbon capture is hard. This Canadian plant shows why

SpaceNews: NOAA kicks off Near Earth Orbit Network weather satellite program

New York Times: Hurricanes of data: The tiny craft mapping superstorms at sea

NOAA: National Centers for Environmental Information and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution begin collaboration to archive NSF ocean data

CRS: Solar geoengineering and climate change


New York Times: Jigar Shah runs a federal energy loan program that suddenly has a gusher of money to lend before the next election

CRS: DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy FY2024 appropriations

Power: X-energy, Dow unveil Texas site for advanced reactor demonstration

Washington Post: Fusion power by 2028? In power purchase deal with Helion, Microsoft is betting on it

Washington Post: To meet EV demand, industry turns to technology long deemed hazardous

Idaho National Lab: National laboratories team with Idaho Power to evaluate hydrogen generation integrated with hydropower

APS News: The path to a clean-energy electric grid has roadblocks, but physicists can help (perspective by Kendra Redmond)


National Defense: Air Force secretary urges Congress, Pentagon to accelerate tech fielding

Defense One: Want more Pentagon innovation? Try this experiment (perspective by Mark Esper and Deborah Lee James)

Breaking Defense: Congressional concern re-emerges on fate of MDA’s hypersonic missile tracking sensors

(interview with Eric Schlosser)


New York Times: As COVID emergency ends, US response shifts to peacetime mode

HHS: Department of Health and Human Services details Project NextGen initiative to stay ahead of COVID-19

Foreign Policy: COVID-19 isn’t a pandemic anymore. It’s just a never-ending nightmare (perspective by Laurie Garrett)

ScienceInsider: NIH restarts bat virus grant suspended three years ago by Trump

House Energy and Commerce Committee: Republican committee leaders’ statements on NIH reinstating grant to EcoHealth Alliance for risky bat research

Los Angeles Times: How Trump’s anti-science meddling erased three years of crucial COVID research (perspective by Michael Hiltzik)

New York Times: Lab safety failures have been a continual failure, with too little being done (perspective by Zeynep Tufecki)

Governor of Florida: Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signs the strongest legislation in the nation for medical freedom

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: Woke virology? Ron DeSantis finds another thing to ban in Florida

New York Times: WHO ends mpox global emergency

Nature: ‘The disease will be neglected’: Scientists react to WHO ending mpox emergency

NIH: Scientists release a new human ‘pangenome’ reference

International Affairs

Times Higher Education: EU research and education chief quits for Bulgaria’s top job

Research Professional: EU urged to tread carefully in tackling foreign interference

South China Morning Post: After 20 years in UK, British chair professor joins China’s hypersonic program

Research Professional: Overseas investment in UK R&D projects grew in 2022

Science|Business: London and Brussels still haggling over Horizon Europe association

Research Professional: House of Lords challenges ‘hokey cokey with Horizon’ as negotiators wrangle over costs and UK participation rates

Research Professional: Many countries lacking funding schemes to fund near-miss EU proposals

Research Professional: Australian budget delivers no big surprises for research

Nature: Scientists based in resource-poor regions describe how they tackle salary uncertainty, power outages and equipment shortages

More from FYI
There is growing demand for ocean acoustics expertise that outstrips current educational programs supplying the workforce, according to a new report by the National Academies.
The top DOE appropriator in the House seeks to accelerate two existing demonstration projects and the deployment of small modular reactors.
The National Academy of Sciences president used the new address to highlight stiffer global competition in STEM and offer a blueprint for an “Endless Frontier 2.0.”
With tight spending caps still in place, only a few science agencies would see budget increases.
Three facilities aiming to be operational in the next four years will form the backbone of the National Semiconductor Technology Center.
The ADVANCE Act reinforces the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s decision to use more-relaxed licensing requirements for near-term fusion systems compared to fission systems.

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