What’s Ahead

President Trump signs one of several executive orders during his first week in the White House. (Image credit - CSPAN)

Scientists Rallying Against Trump Immigration Order

The scientific community will continue to assess the impacts of and respond to President Trump’s executive order that bars entry to the U.S. of citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries for the next 90 days, among other restrictions. Numerous scientists have been affected, including multiple students stranded abroad, as reported by Nature, Science, and The Atlantic.
Some scientific and academic organizations have already responded, urging Trump to reconsider the order. AAAS CEO Rush Holt stressed the importance of open doors and the free flow of ideas to scientific progress, calling the order “contrary to the spirit of science.” Association of American Universities President Mary Sue Coleman said in a statement the order “should end as quickly as possible,” adding that allowing countries to replace the U.S. as “the prime destination for the most talented students and researchers” would cause “irreparable damage.” In addition, over 12,000 academics, including many Nobel laureates and members of the National Academy of Sciences, have signed a petition denouncing the ban and warning it “significantly damages American leadership in higher education and research.

‘March for Science’ to Announce Date

Momentum is quickly gathering behind a science-focused March on Washington. The organizers of the march, now named the March for Science and to also include multiple marches in sister cities, have promised to announce a date and other details this week. So far, the movement has amassed close to 300,000 followers on Facebook.

Senate Committees to Vote on Nominations

On Tuesday, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will vote on approving the nominations of former Texas Gov. Rick Perry for secretary of energy (see FYI #10) and Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-MT) for secretary of the interior. Zinke and Perry are both likely to win confirmation by the full Senate. Also on Jan. 31, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee will vote on the nomination of Betsy DeVos to be secretary of education and the Senate Finance Committee will vote on the nomination of Tom Price to be secretary of health and human services. On Wednesday, the Senate Budget Committee and the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will vote on the nomination of Mick Mulvaney to be director of the White House Office of Management and Budget. See “Events This Week” for details.

House to Consider Nuclear Detection Bill

On Tuesday, the House is scheduled to vote on a bill, introduced by Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA), which directs the Department of Homeland Security’s Domestic Nuclear Detection Office to develop a research strategy and set of priorities to enhance its ability to detect nuclear explosive devices or fissile radiological material within the U.S. The bill aims to address concerns raised in a 2015 report by the Government Accountability Office. The House passed the legislation on a voice vote in the previous Congress, but it was not taken up by the Senate.

In Case You Missed It

Trump Implements Federal Hiring Freeze

On Jan. 23, President Trump issued a memorandum ordering a 90-day freeze on new federal hiring, effective immediately, with exceptions for “military personnel” and positions that department and agency heads deem “necessary to meet national security of public safety responsibilities.” The freeze explicitly forbids the use of contracts to circumvent the hiring restrictions. The memo also orders the White House Office of Management and Budget to develop a plan within 90 days to reduce the federal workforce through attrition. OMB issued additional guidance on Jan. 25. To date, there is no indication that federally funded research and development centers, such as national labs, which are managed by non-government entities, will be affected, but additional guidance from OMB or other departments may clarify or extend the scope of the order.

Agency Communication Clampdown Stirs Fear and Confusion

A furor erupted last week as reports emerged that a number of departments and agencies had implemented restrictions on external communications. Some restrictions were reported as applying to social media, some to communications with Congress, and one at the U.S. Agricultural Research Service applied to all “outward facing” communication, though agency officials later declared it a misunderstanding. Restrictions on the Department of the Interior’s external communications were quickly reversed. Some agencies, such as NASA, reported that their communication policies were unchanged. It is not clear which changes or orders originated from the Trump administration, or whether any orders are similar to those used during previous presidential transitions.
The clampdown on at least some federal agency communications, reports that the Trump administration could scrub the EPA’s climate change website, and an NPR report that EPA scientific studies and data will face an “internal vetting process,” have prompted fears over whether the Trump administration will respect existing agency scientific integrity policies and principles.

Trump Commerce Secretary Pick Vows to Protect Scientific Integrity

Responding to an inquiry from Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL), Wilbur Ross, President Trump’s nominee for commerce secretary, promised to engage National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists’ expertise on climate and to protect and make publicly available the science under his jurisdiction. He wrote,
The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee approved Ross’ nomination on Jan. 24. If confirmed as commerce secretary, he will have authority over both NOAA and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Hearing for OMB Nominee Mulvaney Touches on R&D Funding

At his confirmation hearing to be director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) was asked by Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) about remarks he had made about government funded research not being necessary, in the context of the debate over funding for research on the Zika virus. Mulvaney replied that he believes there is a government role in funding research, particularly where the private sector would not support it. Asked if research would be a priority in the Trump administration, Mulvaney said,

NSF Calls for Proposals to Operate Arecibo

NSF issued a request for proposals to manage and operate the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. The request specifies that proposals should include a five-year plan for research and/or education that will accommodate NSF’s contribution decreasing to $2 million per year by the end of the program. The RFP is part of NSF’s ongoing process of ramping down its financial commitment to the half-century-old facility (see FYI 2016 #139).

House Passes Comprehensive Bill to Guide Energy Department Science & Nuclear Reactor Licensing Bill

On Jan. 24, the House passed the “Department of Energy Research and Innovation Act” that would provide the first-ever comprehensive policy guidance to DOE’s Office of Science, enhance lab-to-market technology transfer, and boost advanced nuclear R&D (see FYI #11). The day before, the House also passed the bipartisan “Advanced Nuclear Technology Development Act” by a voice vote. The bill, which is a reintroduction of a bill the House passed last year, would require the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to work with DOE and develop a licensing plan for advanced nuclear reactors (see FYI 2016 #103).

Senate Committee Advances Space Weather and Women in STEM Bills

On Jan. 24, the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee approved two bills that the House passed earlier this month, the “INSPIRE Women Act” (see FYI 2016 #38) and the “Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act,” which directs the National Science Foundation to leverage its entrepreneurship programs to further support women’s careers. On the same day, the committee also approved the “Space Weather Research and Forecasting Act,” which Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) introduced last year (see FYI 2016 #64).

Trump Infrastructure Project List Includes Research Lab

President Trump campaigned on the promise of delivering up to $1 trillion in spending on the nation’s infrastructure, including on roads, bridges, and railways. A list of proposed projects reportedly prepared by the Trump transition team and circulated in the National Governor’s Association includes the construction of a National Research Lab for Infrastructure. “Conceived along the lines of the old Bell Labs, this R&D center would develop and commercialize infrastructure technology of the future,” the project description states. According to a presentation that summarizes the proposals, the lab would be based in Columbus, cost $2 billion, and work closely with Ohio State University and Battelle.

Events This Week

Monday, Jan. 30 APS: American Physical Society Meeting, Marriott Wardman Park, DC
The Roles of Physicists in International and Nonprofit Organizations, 1:30 – 3:20 pm
Tunneling Through the Barriers to Advance Women and Minorities in Physics, 3:30 – 5:20 pm
Registration required ($)
Stanford: Climate Adaptation
Featuring National Academy of Sciences President Marcia McNutt
12:00 – 2:00 pm, National Press Club (529 14th St NW, DC)
Registration required
Tuesday, Jan. 31 Senate: Meeting to consider Perry and Zinke nominations to be secretaries of energy and interior
9:30 am, Energy and Natural Resources Committee (366 Dirksen Office Building, DC)
Senate: Meeting to consider DeVos nomination to be secretary of education
10:00 am, Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee (430 Dirksen Office Building, DC)
Senate: Meeting to consider Price nomination to be secretary of health and human services
10:00 am, Finance Committee (219 Dirksen Senate Office Building)
Stimson Center: Denmark and Greenland’s Uranium: Building a Joint System
10:00 – 11:30 am, Stimson Center (1211 Connecticut Ave., NW, DC)
Webcast available
CSIS: Deep Decarbonization Scenarios
10:00 – 11:30 am, CSIS Headquarters (1616 Rhode Island Ave., NW, DC)
Event is off the record
APS: American Physical Society Meeting cont.
Physics Improves International Diplomacy, 10:45 – 12:30 pm
Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak and U.S. State Department S&T Advisor Vaughan Turekian are among the presenters
Registration required ($)
Wednesday, Feb. 1 UPDATED - Senate: Meeting to consider Mulvaney nomination to be OMB director [this meeting has been postponed]
TBA, Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee (342 Dirksen Office Building, DC)
National Academies: First meeting of the “U.S.-Based Electron Ion Collider Science Assessment” panel (continues Thursday)
Open Session: 11:30 am – 5:00 pm Wed., 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Th. Keck Center (500 5th St. NW, DC)
Acting DOE Office of Science Director Steve Binkley is among the speakers
DOE: Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee meeting (continues Thursday)
8:30 am – 5:00 pm Wed., 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Thu., Gaithersburg Marriott, MD
ITER Director General Bernard Bigot is among the speakers
Remote attendance available
Thursday, Feb. 2 UPDATED - Senate: Meeting to consider Mulvaney nomination to be OMB director [previously was scheduled for Wednesday]
11:00 am, Budget Committee (608 Dirksen Office Building, DC)
GWU: Screening and discussion of the documentary “Containment”
The documentary addresses the challenge of long-term radioactive waste storage
5:00 – 7:00 pm, GWU Lindner Commons (1957 E St., NW, DC)
Friday, Feb. 3 Wilson Center: Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment 2017
Featuring science reporters from several major publications
3:00 – 5:00 pm, Wilson Center (1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, DC)
Webcast available
Smithsonian: Freeman Hrabowski on Increasing Diversity in Science
6:30 – 8:10 pm, National Museum of Natural History, DC
Registration required


NSF Seeking Feedback on Cyberinfrastructure Needs for All Research Fields

NSF is currently requesting input from the research community as it develops a strategy to meet future advanced cyberinfrastructure needs across all disciplines of science. The foundation stresses that this is a “whole-of-NSF” activity and “strongly encourages researchers in all fields of science, engineering and education to respond.” Submissions are due by April 5, 2017.

NPI Congressional Visit Day

The National Photonics Initiative is seeking participants for Congressional Visit Days on April 25–26, with the goal of educating members of Congress on the importance of optics and photonics and helping participants establish relationships with their congressional offices. Further details are available at the NPI website.

AMS Seeking New Postdoctoral Science Policy Fellow

The American Meteorological Society is seeking a postdoctoral fellow for a one-year, full-time position in the society’s Policy Program in downtown Washington, DC. AMS notes that its postdoctoral fellows in science policy “have the opportunity to explore the policy dimensions of their scientific field, develop expertise in new areas at the science-policy interface, help initiate novel activities within the AMS Policy Program, and contribute to … ongoing activities.” Review of applications begins on Feb. 15.
Know of an upcoming science policy opportunity? Email us at fyi@aip.org.Know of an upcoming science policy event? Email us at fyi@aip.org.

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