117th Congress
Coastal and Ocean Acidification Stressors and Threats (COAST) Research Act of 2021
To amend the Federal Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring Act of 2009 to establish an Ocean Acidification Advisory Board, to expand and improve the research on Ocean Acidification and Coastal Acidification, to establish and maintain a data archive system for Ocean Acidification data and Coastal Acidification data, and for other purposes.
Summary of Selected Provisions
Selected provisions in bill as introduced
- Directs the National Science and Technology Council to develop a new strategic research plan for ocean acidification and its coastal impacts
- Establishes an advisory board of scientists, industry, and non-federal government representatives to review the research plan and provide ongoing advice to federal S&T programs
- Directs the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to develop standards and protocols for data collection and to establish an open-access archive of research data related to ocean and coastal acidification
- Directs NOAA, NASA, and the National Science Foundation to extend research efforts to include coastal acidification and to submit data gathered to the new NOAA archive
Primary Sponsors
Co-sponsors by Party
05/18/2021Passed by House
03/01/2021Introduced in House